Corey J. Adams joined the pastoral team at First Baptist Church in October 2023.
Corey grew up in the Finger Lakes region of New York. He was saved in 1990 at the age of six and was baptized on February 26, 1995, at Second Baptist Church in Auburn, NY. He was called to ministry in 2001 and that calling would lead him to attend Practical Bible College (now Davis College) in the Binghamton, NY area in 2003. He would graduate from Davis in 2007.
Corey would begin to get more involved in ministry in 2001 serving on the mission committee of Scipio Baptist Church and serving as a camp counselor of a local Bible camp. During his time in college, he would serve as the adult Sunday school teacher at West Corners Baptist Church. During college he would also serve overseas in the island nation of Papua New Guinea with Bible translators. After graduation he would continue to serve at West Corners Baptist as part of bi-vocational ministry. He would continue to serve as a teacher, but also deacon, trustee, secretary, treasurer, and pulpit supply for the senior pastor.
In 2018, he was called to be the pastor of Victory Bible Church in the Hazleton, PA area. following the death of the founding pastor. Corey would continue to be co-vocational and commute to the church each Sunday. He would serve for five-and-a-half years he served as their pastor preaching through the books of Ruth, Romans, Jonah, and Daniel.
In 2023, he was called to be the Associate Pastor of First Baptist of Little Falls. He is excited to see how the LORD will lead, guide, and direct him in this new chapter of his life for God’s glory.
Contact Pastor Corey at: PastorCoreyAdams@outlook.com
View his blog: The Core of IT