“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
Psalm 45:1
For the past year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I have taken up the PEN in order to help bring encouragement, comfort, and hopefully challenge each of us in our life in Christ during a very difficult year. I understand that we are not out of the woods yet as we see things get back to normal at First Baptist Church. Although we will be going back to one service, all the protocols are still in place. As Pastor Chris has reminded us each Sunday, we need to be sensitive to others, use masks, sanitizer and keep our distance from others in the pews. And of course, if you are not feeling well, please stay home. That being said, going back to one service from a ministry perspective certainly makes it easier on the whole ministry team and I am sure we are all looking forward to the change.
As change comes to our Sunday mornings, so also change will come to my writing ministry. I have truly enjoyed the process and the challenge. For me, writing is my favorite form of communication. I enjoy writing letters, notes, and cards. I have kept a journal since 1984, and although my journaling during the college years were a little sporadic, I did find myself becoming extremely consistent in journaling from 1988 to the present. Some may consider writing therapy or cathartic in nature, but for me it is more than that. It is a form of spiritual art, an expression of not only what I have learned about God, but how I want to express my love to Him and to others. Some of our brothers and sisters in Christ express their love for God through music and art. Through their God given talents, they help to steer us that much closer to the Lord. It is my desire to do the same, but my media is the pen. When an artist paints, you will always get a glimpse into their soul as to who they really are. When musicians play their instruments, we are lifted up to the throne room of God and for that one brief moment in time, we are transfixed on future glory while being firmly planted on this earthly sod. Hopefully in some way, my ramblings for a fleeting microsecond have done the same.
THE FUTURE OF MY WRITING—As I look to future writings, I have decided to take some time off, resuming my ramblings in June. Although I really enjoy writing, it takes a lot of energy and effort to come up with something new each week. And after talking with Pastor Chris, I have decided to do some research into the Minor Prophets and come up with twelve articles that will compliment what we have learned through Pastor’s survey of these timeless books of the Bible. Perhaps if this writing challenge works out, I will try to do the same with other books of the Bible. Until then, may God bless you and keep you safe.
And as always, this is Pastor Pat FROM BEHIND THE PEN—wishing you joy in Jesus!